- Word 2013
- Excel 2013
- PowerPoint 2013
- Outlook 2013
- Access 2013
- OneNote 2013
- Project 2013
- Publisher 2013
- Visio 2013

Among the new features are a "Read Mode" in Word 2013 which removes toolbars and lets you swipe and tab through a document like in an "E-Reader". Videos are better supported. They can be searched, added and viewed directly within Word. Excel 2013 has new easy ways of working with formulas and charts in spreadsheets. Powerpoint 2013 was enhanced with better controls while in presentation mode, for example "Slide Zoom" to zoom in on a section of your slide. Adding photos to a presentation also became easier as you can now search and add pictures from your albums on Flickr and other online photo and social network sites.